Ivena International is an FSC® certified company (FSC-C022779), with manufacturing facilities in Indonesia &Vietnam. The company specialize in solid wood and rattan furniture, proudly developed and produced by their experts and well-trained workers, using teak, acacia, and oak wood. These raw materials are sourced from sustainable, plantation forests. They are actively replanting new trees together with the local authority, community, and customers. Since 2002, a total of 296,549 trees have been planted to date in Central Java, Indonesia and this number keeps growing. This is their ongoing commitment to keep the Earth's forest green.
Johanes Kurniawan
Telephone: 6509 4203
Mobile: 9786 5627
Email: johanes@ivenainternational.com
Office address:
82 Playfair Rd,
#05-02, D'Lithium
Singapore 368001
Website: http://www.ivena.net
Bedroom / Dining / Occasional / Outdoor